No, that isn't Santa Clause. Meet the writer/director John Wagner! He rarely allows himself to be seen so I snuck this photo out from under him and voila. (Live with it John.) This is an lovely man with a passion for film making. At 72 he's still going strong, looking for ways to have his work get out there. His most notable endeavor has been a recent one with his success of the feature film "Streets". Having had personal experience with being homeless, this film meant a great deal to him to get done and out there for viewers.
Love in 90 Days is his look at two people who have been given the terminal cancer diagnosis on the same day. They've both got 90 days left most likely to live. It's a gentle, more nostalgic look at the end of one's life and what matters most to these two lonely souls is connection in their final days. John is also the primary producer at this time and I am assisting on the project as it moves forward. We will be filming promotional material soon that I will update this site with once it's complete. Thank you for taking a moment to hear about this new project! |
Mark Lourim - ProducerMark has been a long time cohort of John's on many projects and this is no exception. He didn't become truly involved in the film world until about 5 years ago and he fell in love with it. Starting out in sound, he graduated to assistant and then producer on the last film with John, Streets. Mark is an all around stand up guy and its a pleasure to have him as part of the team.
Elise Hodge -
Ryan Boyd - Actor
Ryan is the ideal choice for this role and I'm so thrilled to be opposite him in this project. He approached me to do a reading for John last year after we had done a theatre production together, Jack of Diamonds. This past year we were opposite each other on stage for the play Cheaters as well. I enjoy Ryan's commitment and talent and I can't wait to make this film with him!